About RailTravel Station

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More than just trains which run back and forth from point A to point B, RailTravel Station takes you on a journey of railways and other means of travel with a special focus on Singapore and Malaysia. Welcome to RailTravel Station where the journey is the destination.

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  1. Hello, thank you for the information on the new Tebrau Shuttle between Singapore and JB Sentral. I am planning to take en elderly person in a wheelchair, and would like to know a few things before embarking on the journey.

    1. Obviously with a wheelchair bound person, getting on and off buses at the TWO customs is a no-no. With this train, where do we clear customs in Singapore and in JB? Is it just ONE point for each journey?

    2. Do we have to book tickets in advance? I am planning to take the 9.30am train from Singapore and the 5pm from JB. However, given that the condition of the person may change quickly; I am hesitant to book tickets online in advance, and am thinking that I could get our tickets on the day itself. But is this viable? I am thinking going on a Monday.

    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi, the train is not wheelchair friendly, the platform gap is around 70cm or so, and the door won’t fit a roll-in wheelchair even if the platform has zero gap. You can book tickets at the counter itself, it is only a 5 minute journey, don’t really need to book 30 days in advance if you don’t have connections to meet. The malls are not very wheelchair friendly as well, you have to cross the main road for a fully flat access.

  2. Sorry, forgot to ask if the train station at Woodlands and JB Sentral and the malls there are wheelchair friendly? Thanks again

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