Tower Transit Bus Service 882 • Sembawang MRT to Sembawang Park by Bus

Tower Transit Bus Service 882 from Sembawang MRT to Sembawang Park

Tower Transit Bus Service 882 is the only bus service serving Sembawang Park located at Sembawang Road End. Sembawang Park is an open location with a playground, fishing jetty, and beach, with dining options at Beaulieu House.

Sembawang Bus Interchange

Tower Transit Bus Service 882 is a loop bus service operating from Sembawang Bus Interchange.

Sembawang Bus Interchange is located about 3 minutes walk away from Sembawang MRT Station, and is a viable option to access Tower Transit Bus Service 882 in bad weather.

In good weather, the bus stop opposite Sembawang MRT Station will be a better boarding location, which will be further described below.

Tower Transit Bus Service 882 departs from Sembawang Bus Interchange Berth 1A.

Bus Stop opposite Sembawang MRT Station

Tower Transit Bus Service 882 also serves the bus stop opposite Sembawang MRT Station after departing from Sembawang Bus Interchange.

This bus stop opposite Sembawang MRT Station will be an easier access from Sembawang MRT Station when catching Tower Transit Bus Service 882. However, do note that there is no sheltered walkway from Sembawang MRT Station to this bus stop.

Tower Transit Bus Service 882 serves the HDB estates of Wellington and Montreal on the way to Sembawang Park. You can also see the Sembawang black-and-white houses from the bus.

Bus Stop outside Sembawang Park (Car Park 1)

While there are 2 bus stops serving Sembawang Park, Bus Stop 58091 Sembawang Pk, nearest to the beach outside Sembawang Park Car Park 1, is the most commonly used by visitors.

The bus journey from opposite Sembawang MRT Station to Sembawang Park took 10 minutes.

Bus Stop 58091 Sembawang Pk is also the looping point of Tower Transit Bus Service 882 which heads back to Sembawang Bus Interchange.

Sembawang Park

Sembawang Park is directly accessible from Bus Stop 58091 Sembawang Pk.

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